Articles | CryoFix Wellness Whole Body Cryotherapy - Athletic Recovery and Wellness Center in Riverside, CA Mon, 11 Mar 2024 14:40:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Articles | CryoFix Wellness 32 32 4 Reasons Why Cryotherapy is Better Than an Ice Bath Thu, 01 Dec 2016 01:32:58 +0000

1. How Your Body Reacts

The benefits of Whole Body Cryotherapy are significantly different to that of an ice bath. While submerged in icy water, your body attempts to keep the skin’s surface from freezing by sending warm blood to the peripheral tissues. During this 15-25 minute process, the body is constantly fighting the physical cold. Your blood begins to cool as it reaches your skin tissues, which results in a decrease in your core body temperature. Overexposure can result in muscle tissue damage and even hypothermia in severe cases. With Cryotherapy, your skin temperature will be the only part of your body that cools down temporarily. When the skin receptors sense the sudden change in temperature, the body naturally constricts your veins and sends blood from the skin, muscles and surrounding joint spaces to the body’s core. As the blood begins to circulate through the cardiovascular system, it is cleansed of toxins and enriched with several different nutrients. Upon exiting the chamber, the body instantly vasodilates, which sends the cleansed and fortified blood to the rest of the body.

2. Time and Convenience

Let’s face it, when it comes to recovery the majority of us just don’t have time for it. In fact, most of us barely have time to squeeze in a workout. Finding time for a 20-30 minute ice bath is very difficult, not to mention hauling 40lbs of ice to your bath tub. A single Cryotherapy session only takes 2-3 minutes, and will be much more effective for your recovery. You can be in and out of a Cryotherapy appointment within 10 minutes and get on with the rest of your day. Ice baths require a change of wardrobe and a 20-30 minute thaw out period.

3. Cleanliness

If you take ice baths at a training center, the majority of the tubs are re-used for each session. Most athletes will pour out some water and add ice after the previous session. These are often athletes who have just finished a workout and are sweaty and dirty. Because of this, people have been known to acquire staph infections and other hygienic issues. A Cryotherapy chamber is virtually untouched by clients whom are wearing gloves as well as socks and slippers. This makes the whole experience much more sanitary than your ordinary ice bath.

4. Pain Level

Any athlete that is used to taking ice baths will say that Whole Body Cryotherapy is a walk in the park! Standing in a dry cold chamber for 3 minutes is so much easier than sitting in a wet ice bath for 15-25 minutes. If you don’t believe us, come try it out for yourself!
Cryotherapy For Post Injury Recovery Wed, 05 Oct 2016 00:03:03 +0000 FACT: The following picture is 2 DAYS DIFFERENCE of a sever foot sprain using Cryotherapy:



How is this possible?

With Whole Body Cryotherapy, your skin gets really cold, really fast. This naturally induces a huge circulatory response in the body that constricts your veins and sends the majority of the blood to your core. This response tremendously slows down the release of white blood cells into the body (white blood cells cause pain, inflammation, and impede healing).

Aren’t these results amazing?! This injury unfortunately happened to one of our very own employees. With only 2 days of Cryotherapy, the swelling in her foot is next to nothing and she has gained a tremendous amount of mobility.

Anyone recovering from any injury or surgery can tremendously benefit from Cryotherapy!



CryoFix Wellness is located in Riverside, CA!

The 3 Phases of Whole Body Cryotherapy Fri, 05 Aug 2016 23:59:08 +0000


2-3 minutes in a Cryo Chamber at -240° F results in a vaso-constriction effect of the blood vessels in the skin surface and muscles. This forces blood away from the peripheral tissues and into the core of the body where it circulates through all of the major organs. This process triggers a heightened state of toxin removal and anti-inflammation as the body’s natural filtration systems work in overdrive and its “emergency survival mode” systems are called into action.


After exiting the Cryo Chamber, the filtered, nutrient-rich, highly oxygenated blood flows back to out the peripheral tissues where it warms and reinvigorates the skin and muscles.


Over the next 48 hours, restoration and recovery occur at at very high level and your body burns up to 800 additional calories. This is when your body does its magic, reducing pain & inflammation, increasing vitality, and shortening recovery times.
How does Whole Body Cryotherapy compare to an Ice Bath? Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:49:34 +0000
icebath Ice baths have been used for decades by athletes to speed up recovery and reduce inflammation. Although both ice baths and Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) rely on the body’s response to cold to induce any benefits, they actual affect the body in completely different ways. Below is a list of ways in which they differ:
  • Ice baths are much more painful to endure.
  • During a 15-20 minute ice bath, tissue actually freezes and muscles lose capacity, so there is a much longer rest period required after an ice bath before an athlete can get back to training (typically athletes have to wait until the following day to resume training after an ice bath).
  • With WBC, tissues do not freeze and muscles do not lose capacity, so athletes can get back to training as quickly as 15 minutes after a treatment.
  • Whole Body Cryotherapy relies simply on the “illusion” of the body being frozen to create a reaction that leads to the benefits people experience.
  • Ice baths actually causes damage to the skin surface. WBC does not.
In general, WBC is safer, easier to endure, and more effective than ice baths.

The information on this website has not be approved or reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. Whole Body Cryotherapy, is not an approved medical treatment and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any diseases. It is simply an alternative modality that we believe helps the body restore and rejuvenate itself. Many of the articles on this website are based on experts' opinions of how Whole Body Cryotherapy works based on anecdotal results and established research.

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How does Whole Body Cryotherapy impact the Circulatory System? Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:43:27 +0000
circulation When the skin’s surface is introduced to the -200ºF temperatures during Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC),  the cold sensors in the skin send a strong signal to the brain that triggers an “emergency survival mode” response. The body then immediately constricts blood flow in the outer layers of the body, which sends all of that blood to your body’s core where it is circulated through an “internal cycle” and kept warm. While in this “emergency survival mode,”  all of your body’s resources and reserves are activated, and your body’s innate self-healing abilities are put into overdrive. This results in your blood being enriched with the additional oxygen, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones that are needed for survival under these “perceived” extreme circumstances. When you finish your WBC treatment, your body senses that it is no longer in danger of freezing and opens up all of the blood vessels in your peripheral tissues. This allows all of that nutrient-rich blood to rush back out to your skin and extremities where it can be effectively used for self healing. Besides the obvious benefits of having nutrient rich blood flow through all of your internal organs and then out to your skin and extremities, the “emergency mode response” triggered by WBC may also result in more efficient removal of dead cells from the body, more effective rejuvenation of your internal organs, more effective toxin removal from subcutaneous levels, and more effective cell renewal throughout your body. Let’s be honest, the reason young people heal faster than older people is because they have better blood flow and more nutrient rich blood. By stimulating such a powerful flow of nutrient-rich blood throughout all levels of your body, WBC is simply assisting your body in its constant efforts to heal itself.

The information on this website has not be approved or reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. Whole Body Cryotherapy, is not an approved medical treatment and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any diseases. It is simply an alternative modality that we believe helps the body restore and rejuvenate itself. Many of the articles on this website are based on experts' opinions of how Whole Body Cryotherapy works based on anecdotal results and established research.

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How does Whole Body Cryotherapy impact the Energy Meridians? Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:40:37 +0000
meridians According to Eastern Medicine, the human body is made up of a network of energy meridians. Energy flows through these meridians to maintain and manage the health of your body, and when this flow is blocked or impeded, optimal health is compromised. In the same way that Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) stimulates a massive flow of blood between the exterior and interior of the body, WBC also stimulates a massive flow of energy between the interior and exterior parts of the body. This strong surge of energy improves flow through the meridians where disruptions may have been present in the same way that a intense blast of water would break through and restore better flow in a partially blocked pipe. Once better energy flow is established in the meridians, the aging process slows down, healing functions are improved, and degeneration occurs at a slower rate.

The information on this website has not be approved or reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. Whole Body Cryotherapy, is not an approved medical treatment and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any diseases. It is simply an alternative modality that we believe helps the body restore and rejuvenate itself. Many of the articles on this website are based on experts' opinions of how Whole Body Cryotherapy works based on anecdotal results and established research.

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How does Whole Body Cryotherapy impact the Nervous System? Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:23:50 +0000
nervous-system The human body’s Nervous System is an incredible communication system that assesses the body’s specific conditions, deficiencies, and immediate needs in order to determine how to restore itself and remain viable. It is theorized based on documented results that the “emergency survival mode” induced by Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) causes the brain to immediately survey all parts of the body and create an up-to-date picture of the body’s current state of health. By doing so, it can theoretically help the body re-assess its innate healing priorities and reallocate its resources to the areas that are in most dire need of those resources to ensure future survival.

The information on this website has not be approved or reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. Whole Body Cryotherapy, is not an approved medical treatment and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any diseases. It is simply an alternative modality that we believe helps the body restore and rejuvenate itself. Many of the articles on this website are based on experts' opinions of how Whole Body Cryotherapy works based on anecdotal results and established research.

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